Sunday, July 26, 2009

Munching Montage

Bring on the grub!

I pick my friends too

Oooooh tofu!!

Grandma let me feed myself


Notice the spoon is clean

I got this covered!


I am a ham


melon and

Checking out my new house

Me and my Pa

Showing Pa my new yard

We can't wait to move in!

Dinner with Nina

Awesome Daddies

Playing with Nina

Hey... can I get some chips and salsa?

Pretty girl Nina Sophia

Soooooo sleepy

Silver Family Reunion

Watching the slide show

With Daddy and Great-Great Aunt Catherine

Me and Cousin Charli


Loving on Granny

Tired after my big day

A Day with Auntie Kim

Rolling in the floor

I seeeeeee you

Clowning in the Tub

What's up with my do Mommy?

A Corny Kind of Night

Mmmmm, corn cobs are good when you're teething.

Yay corn!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Daddy's First Father's Day!!

Me and my Dad in Warrenton

Queen Anne's Lace

My cousins Jaylen and Jordan
Mommy having more nature fun with the camera

Me with Auntie Lisha and Mommy

Luna Moth
Love my Daddy

Mimosa blooms

Faster than a humming-

Me, Daddy, and my Pa!

My favorite guys!

I'm a ham

My Aunt Dorie and cousin Kennedi

Again, I am a ham

Hangin' with Jaylen